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lithium battery

  • Passport for air transportation of lithium batteries--directly hit the UN38.3 test of lithium batteries

    From January 1, 2009, the latest effective version of the "Technical Instructions for the Safe Air Transport of Dangerous Goods" issued by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has added the UN (United Nations) serial number of dangerous goods, and lithium batteries will be classified as Enter lithium ion batteries (UN 3090 and UN3091) and lithium metal batteries (UN3480 and UN3481). According to this regulation, if lithium batteries do not have a test report or relevant approval certificate based on UN38.3, they cannot be transported by air. The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) has issued the "Lithium Battery Air Transport Specifications" to airlines and dangerous goods-related transport units to strengthen the transport safety of lithium batteries.

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