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How does an ITECH IT6000C bidirectional DC power supply help on the LV123&LV148 standard conformity test of vehicles

As countries around the world vigorously develop electric vehicles, auto makers and various standardization organizations have begun to establish technical development standards and define various EV tests.

Test solution

In addition to the previous built-in automotive test standard curves, such as DIN40839, ISO-16750-2, SAEJ1113-11, ITECH’s IT6000C bidirectional DC power supply and IT6000B regenerative power system also have increased LV123 and LV148 standard test waveforms which are especially important in the test of electric vehicles. The advantage of ITECH's bidirectional DC power supply is the ‘built-in’ waveform. Without any software, engineers can directly recall the built-in waveform accordingly to complete the test. Simple and fast.


LV123 is a test standard for the electrical characteristics of electric vehicles compiled by major European auto makers. It is to verify the safety and electrical parameters of automotive medium and high voltage components, such as DC/DC, OBC, inverter, batteries, etc. LV123 not only facilitates system testing by manufacturers, but also clearly displays the advantages of parameters, which is convenient for comparison between different EVs in the market. European EV manufacturers must comply with this standard. ITECH IT6000C bidirectional DC power supply provides high-speed CV dynamic response slope up to 200 V/ms, which can meet the requirements of LV123 testing. According to the LV123 standard, IT6000C/B provides the following test items:



Range of unlimited operating capability


Range of upper limited operating capability


Range of lower limited operating capability


Range of highly limited operating capability




At present, several top European auto makers have jointly launched the 48V system. At the same time, they also set out to formulate the LV148 standard, which includes the testing of electrical and electronic components of the 48V system. ITECH IT6000C/B bidirectional DC power supply, a single 3U height unit can output 80V/450A/15kW. It can not only be used to test the environmental reliability of the lights, wipers, audio and other parts inside vehicle, but also can simulate the whole power system. The design of Auto range output can meet various test items specified by LV148, including:

LV 148

Test item


Long-term overvoltage test 


Transient overvoltage


Transient undervoltage 


Jumpstart resp Recuperation


Slow decrease and increase of the supply voltage


Reset behavior


Operation in the range without function restriction


Operation in the upper range with function limitation


Overvoltage range


Start Pulse

Related information

IT6000C bidirectional DC power supply

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